Saturday, October 23, 2010

Before I left Grand Rapids this Spring, a dear friend sent me off with kind words about my journey to Ghana. "The bible says that wherever you go God goes before you, Christ is always with you, and it says that surely goodness and mercy will follow."
My experience in Ghana so far has been so rich that cataloguing it seems reductive, and even futile. It is worth sharing, however, so for now I will be frequently commenting on general or specific parts of my life abroad. There is a lot to reflect on from the last 2 months, as every little detail of what I experience has been full of beauty and significance to me. Learning never sleeps here.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Before I left Grand Rapids this Spring, a dear friend sent me off with kind words about my journey to Ghana. "The bible says that wherever you go God goes before you, Christ is always with you, and it says that surely goodness and mercy will follow."
My experience in Ghana so far has been so rich that cataloguing it seems reductive, and even futile. It is worth sharing, however, so for now I will be frequently commenting on general or specific parts of my life abroad. There is a lot to reflect on from the last 2 months, as every little detail of what I experience has been full of beauty and significance to me. Learning never sleeps here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

By way of explanation:

"How happy is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!
How happy is the man the Lord does not charge with sin..."
from Psalm 32 v. 1-2, and cited in Romans 4:7